“Mother’s Love is, without doubt, the most incredible moisturiser I’ve ever used. I have suffered with eczema all my life, so I have tried a lot of products. What I love most about Mother’s Love is the therapeutic value it provides as well as the fact that there are no toxic ingredients. I have stuggled to find a moisturiser that has both these qualities. Every ingredient has been carefully selected for its healing properties for skin like mine that needs extra support. It’s intensive moisture quality means that I’m not needing to moisturise nearly as often, and I’m also not putting any nasties into my body, which is very important to me. Jess gives fantastic service and should be very proud of a quality product that makes a difference for those like me with skin issues. I highly recommend anyone with a skin condition give Mother’s Love a try and experience the difference it can make. Thank you Jess for your support and expertise, it has made so much difference in helping my skin to feel comfortable and hydrated for longer, and that is a true gift!!!”

Relle - Mid North Coast

“I use this goodness religiously! I constantly recommend it to everyone and to my patients with skin conditions!
Since using Mother’s Love, I've gone from having reactions/burns on my face from most moisturisers/make-up to having the best skin I've ever had. Absolutely swear by this magic in a tub! Jess, you're a bloody lifesaver!”
Elke, Lake Munmorah - Lake Macquarie

“Mother's Love Cream really is a remarkable product. Being pregnant, I feel completely comfortable using it as it is natural and organic. I have been to numerous doctors and specialists for my hand and they all prescribe the same thing; steroid cream. Mother's Love is a fantastic alternative that I know works. It doesn't leave an oily residue and you only need a tiny bit for it to be effective. I can't speak highly enough of this amazing cream. My hand felt like it was on fire until I tried Skin Doona Mother’s Love. I stumbled across Jess at the Olive Tree Market in Newcastle and I haven't looked back since! It works especially well when taken in conjunction with SB Floraactive Probiotics. This is the only combination after years of elimination diets and tests, and trial and error that has worked for me. Jess, you have healed my skin and eased my itch. I highly recommend Mother’s Love to anyone who is sick of dermatitis and the frustration that goes with it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Jess, Mardi - Central Coast NSW

“I love Mother's Love for my cracked hands and heels, and my face. My kids love it too - it’s an all-round great product!”
Felicity, founder of Imbibe, Byron Bay.

“I bought some Mother’s Love off you a couple of years ago for my daughter. She gets eczema on/behind her ear if she has too much dairy (which we mostly restrict). When it does flare up, Mother’s Love is the only thing that clears it up. Far better than steroidal creams!”
Ruth, Newcastle

“I'm a chef and have found that your Mother’s Love is fabulous on small burns. Healing time is much less with minimal scarring. Thanks Jess!”
Jaybird, The Junction - Newcastle

“I have been rubbing Mother’s Love on my injured hands every day for a week. What a special product for comfort, care and healing. Within days I noticed a huge difference. I'll be back at golf by Friday!”
Brigid, The Golden Door - Pokolbin

“Mother’s Love works great on nappy rash but my favourite use for it is actually on myself. I get really dry hands and knuckles through winter - to the point where they crack and bleed. Mother’s Love works a treat when nothing else seems to make any improvement. I made sure it was packed for my trip to Switzerland!”
Jennifer, New Lambton - Newcastle